Gallman-Parker Prize

*The Gallman-Parker Prize will be awarded in odd numbered years (beginning in 2017) for lifetime contributions. 

The EHA Committee on Research Archives and Databases invites nominations for the Gallman-Parker Prize for creating, compiling, and sharing data and information with scholars over the course of a career. The Prize will be awarded in odd numbered years for lifetime contributions made to the construction, maintenance, and dissemination of data. The data must be publicly available. The Prize will be awarded to individual recipients, not organizations or groups. A Prize can be awarded for a group effort if an individual outstanding contributor can be identified. The recipient must still be living at the time of the vote.

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: January 31, 2023

Nominations, along with a brief explanation of the data set, its significance, and its dissemination should be sent to:

Matthew Jaremski at, with “Gallman-Parker Prize Nomination” in the subject line.